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Heinrich Brüssow heads to Japan

───   08:34 Thu, 20 Jun 2013

Morgan Piek

Bloemfontein –  Cheetahs Rugby and Springbok Rugby have both been dealt a massive blow with the news that flanker Heinrich Brüssow will be pursuing his rugby career in the “Land of the Rising Sun”, Japan.

The stocky loose forward is considered by many in the rugby world to be South Africa's top flanker and ball-fetcher.

The latest development comes as little surprise as Brüssow was once again overlooked for Springbok selection by Heyneke Meyer. Meyer earlier indicated Brüssow is too small for his plans. At a later stage Meyer said Brüssow concedes too many penalties. 

Nothing could be further from the truth though, as it stands in the current Super Rugby stats, Brüssow isn’t even in the top twenty players conceding penalties, however, fellow Cheetah and current Springbok Coenie Oosthuizen is in the top-20.

Meyer did also say that he would consider Brüssow for Springbok selection in the event of injuries, however nothing came of that.

The 26-year old flank has 20 Test caps under his belt, with his last being during Springboks ill-fated World Cup quarter-final against the Wallabies in 2011.

Brüssow is still contracted with the Cheetahs until the end of this years’ Currie Cup, however it seems highly unlikely he will be staying for the Worlds' tougest domestic competition.

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