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Mommy Matters - Putting the spotlight on dyslexia

───   13:20 Mon, 20 Oct 2014

Mommy Matters - Putting the spotlight on dyslexia | News Article
In Mommy Matters we find the experts with the answers. It is World Dyslexia month in October and there is still much to be done regarding awareness of the disease, how common it is and how it can be treated. That is where the RADA team comes in. An urgent need arose while they were working with children battling with learning and reading deficiencies, to define dyslexic children’s specific cognitive problems and to assist them in appropriate ways to learn to cope with their disability.
There are so many institutions supporting sufferers of ADHD/ADD; Autism etc. and yet the devastating inability to read, write and spell, is ignored although it affects +/- 15% of the worldwide population, regardless of culture, language, age and gender. These statistics apply to South African borders as well! Sandra Stark from The Red Apple Dyslexia Association spoke to me about Dyslexia awareness month and why we need to be informed as parents and also understand that dyslexia affects adults as severely as it does children. For more information visit: www.dyslexiasa.org
Sandra Stark mentions the film "Like stars on earth" during her interview and you need to watch this film in order to understand the impact of dyslexia on a household.

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