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Eskom’s Prepaid Deadline: What solar users should know

───   CASEY-LEE ANTHONY 15:29 Wed, 06 Nov 2024

Eskom’s Prepaid Deadline: What solar users should know  | News Article
Picture: Eskom

As the deadline looms to update prepaid electricity meters, nearly 2.8 million South African households must take immediate action to prevent possible service interruption.

“The pressure on households is only increasing, particularly as Eskom’s latest tariff adjustments may penalise lower-usage customers, including those with grid-tied solar. Consumers must understand their options and make informed decisions to secure their energy needs and protect their budgets,” said Alumo Energy CEO Rein Snoeck Henkemans.

'Could unintentionally affect lower-consumption clients'

Time-of-use prices now include capacity cost under Eskom’s updated Homeflex tariff. This could unintentionally affect lower-consumption clients that only use the grid as backup and includes homes with grid-tied solar systems.

“In this structure, homes using less grid electricity may see additional fees, raising their overall energy costs compared to high-consumption users.”

Solar power, one of the best solutions against the ever-rising electricity price, remains very expensive for many South Africans.

“Properly installed solar systems that include grid-tie limiters can reduce or eliminate unnecessary charges from the grid. This approach is especially critical for prepaid customers looking to avoid extra penalties,” said Snoeck Henkemans.

South Africa’s solar uptake has expanded significantly, with rooftop solar installations jumping from 983 MW in March 2022 to over 4,400 MW by mid-2023, according to energy expert Anton Eberhard.

Because prepaid meters cannot distinguish between electricity generated by the grid and energy generated by solar power, combining them with solar systems could lead to technological difficulties. Incorrect settings could lead to sudden charge fluctuation.

“It’s essential for users to set up their solar systems in a way that avoids charges on the power they generate themselves. Using grid-tie limiters can help redirect excess energy within the household, ensuring users aren’t inadvertently charged for their own solar output,” said Snoeck Henkemans.

Eskom is urging prepaid users to recode their meters to avoid disconnection. Many municipalities and energy companies supply a step-by-step guide for the coding required.

OFM News/Casey-Lee Anthony cg

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