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15 Oct 2024

The Barney Simon Residency an opportunity for young theatre makers

Head of the Market Theatre Lab, Cherae Halley, joins Yolanda Maartens to chat about their criteria for applications for .. Read More

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10 Oct 2024

100 ballerinas gee lewe aan Pocahontas in Bloemfontein

“Die jongste ballerinas is maar drie jaar oud.” Read More

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08 Oct 2024

Twee Strydoms bring nuutskeppings vir klavier, klarinet na Bloemfontein

“Dit is werke wat nog nooit vantevore in Bloemfontein gespeel is nie.”  Read More

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03 Oct 2024

Franz Trio bring musiek van Berlyn na Bloemfontein

“As trio het hulle in sale soos die Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Berlynse Filharmonie, Royal Albert Hall in Londen en die .. Read More

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15 Oct 2024

Why having house plants will benefit your well-being

Houseplants are known to be great décor choices, but they also come with health benefits that assist overall health and .. Read More

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11 Oct 2024

Boekbekendstelling van ‘Die Verlore Skapie’ by Universitas Geloofsentrum

Op Saterdag, 16 November 2024, nooi die NG Kerk Vrystaat, in samewerking met Jonk Netwerk en Schink, almal uit om deel t .. Read More

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09 Oct 2024

What your pet says about your personality

“Hamster owners often enjoy their own company, and they enjoy getting their chores or work done during the night.”  Read More

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30 Sep 2024

Travelling in style with ‘Get It Bloemfontein’ this October

Gypseenia Lion chats to Yolanda Maartens about all the tips you need before you set off on your next travel adventure. Read More

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07 Oct 2024

Take advantage of seasonal fruits this summer

“Did you know that watermelon consists of 92% water, and the other 8% is made up of carbohydrates, vitamins A and C, and .. Read More

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12 Sep 2024

What’s on the menu: Bros rysslaai met komkommer en kruie

Hierdie rysslaai is ideaal vir ’n piekniek of braai – en as daar oorbly, vir jou kosblik – en jy kan dit met enige vars, .. Read More

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29 Aug 2024

What’s on the menu – Caramel Blondies

Blus jou nagereglus met ’n vinnige resep vir Caramel Blondies. Read More

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22 Aug 2024

What’s on the menu – Heuningbotter en roosterbrood

Sjef Maradine kry ons in die bui vir sonskyndae. Read More

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16 Oct 2024

The significance of morning affirmations

Starting your day on a positive note leads to a positive day, it can be the shortest quote on your mirror, while brushin .. Read More

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15 Oct 2024

Highest cases of male breast cancer found in South Africa

One to three percent of breast cancers in the country are found in men.  Read More

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14 Oct 2024

How to stay safe during heatwaves in Central SA

Residents of Central South Africa have been warned to limit outdoor activities during extremely hot weather. Read More

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12 Oct 2024

Hou jou kind só veilig in en om water

Jong kinders kan in ’n oogwink verdrink, selfs in baie vlak water. Read More

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02 Oct 2024

Wenke vir ’n groen grastapyt hierdie somer

“Dit is belangrik om vroeg in die somer ou, dooie gras met ’n sterk hark te verwyder om plek te maak vir nuwe groei.”  Read More

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30 Sep 2024

OFM Familie Fokus: SA Vereniging van Fisioterapie vier 100 jaar

“Suid Afrika was een van die eerste lande waar die professie begin is, wat werklik ’n besonderse mylpaal is.”  Read More

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27 Sep 2024

Mighty Men kom na Sentraal-Suid-Afrika!

“Jy is geroep om ’n verskil te maak. Nooi jou broers, vriende, neefs, pa en oupa saam.” Read More

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26 Sep 2024

Sewe noodsaaklike stappe vir jou voertuig se lenteskoonmaak

“Onvoldoende olie kan die enjin se werking drasties verkort.”  Read More

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16 Oct 2024

Weird Wide Web – Die eerste twiet ooit verkoop vir miljoene!

Die sosiale media-plasing, wat gesê het “stel net my twttr op”, is die eerste keer in Maart 2006 gepubliseer en is aan d .. Read More

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15 Oct 2024

Weird Wide Web – Inbreker maak sommer huise ook skoon

’n Poolse man is onlangs tot 22 maande tronkstraf gevonnis omdat hy by twee huise ingebreek het.  Read More

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14 Oct 2024

Weird Wide Web – Brasilië-polisiebeampte trek self haar pa se moordenaar vas

Meer as twee dekades ná sy dood het ‘n Brasiliaanse vrou haar woord gestand gedoen om sélf haar pa se moordenaar vas te .. Read More

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09 Oct 2024

Weird Wide Web – Onregmatig beskuldigde vrou uiteindelik vrygelaat

’n Vrou wat aanvanklik aangekla is van die besit van metamfetamien is weke later vrygelaat toe laboratoriumanalise bewys .. Read More

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