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28 Jun 2024

Penguin Elektries - jou eenstopwinkel in Kroonstad

Het jy al gaan inloer by Penguin Elektries? Read More

27 Jun 2024

Unlock the power of social media with Xpand UR Brand

"Social media has dramatically reshaped how businesses market their products." Read More

20 Jun 2024

Vermiste skouhond veilig teruggevind

“ ’n Hond soos Nala se waarde oorsee is tussen R150 000 en R300 000 en haar kleintjies kan vir tussen R15 000 en R25 000 .. Read More

14 Jun 2024

Shein en Temu: Petisie begin weens Jan Taks se ingryping

“Dit het ons in staat gestel om winsgewend te werk – dit het ons ook in staat gestel om oortollige voorraad drasties te .. Read More

10 Jun 2024

Shein, Temu se ‘belastingskuiwergat’ toegestop

“Dit is ’n groot skuif en ek dink dit sal die klerebedryf help, insluitend plaaslike produksie en werkgeleenthede.” Read More

06 Jun 2024

BHP’s Anglo American bid a reminder of the significance of copper globally

The driving motivation for the BHP Group's pursuit of Anglo American was the latter party's copper assets.  Read More

04 Jun 2024

Ramaphosa bekragtig tweepot-aftreestelsel

“Die nuwe stelsel, wat buigsamer toegang tot aftreefondse moontlik maak, vereis egter deeglike oorweging.” Read More

31 May 2024

Reserwebank hou repokoers onveranderd

“Die prima koers van banke bly ook onveranderd op 11,75%.” Read More

22 May 2024

CUT students embrace innovative designs using new techniques

“To solve x in the real world, you would need real-world tools and skills in addition to innovation, just as you need ma .. Read More

20 May 2024

Hofsaak werp soeklig op dagga in werkplek

“Sy moedig werkgewers aan om na hul bestaande beleid in die werkplek te kyk om te verseker dat dit nie diskriminerend of .. Read More

17 May 2024

Free State exhibitors showcase at Africa’s Travel Indaba in KZN

“The province is delighted to announce its participation at the highly anticipated Indaba.”  Read More

17 May 2024

Northern Cape makes its mark at Tourism Indaba

“During the second or third day, they gave a lot of diamonds and free safari holidays away.” Read More

14 May 2024

Off-grid electric vehicle charging stations launched in Free State

“The primary goal is to ignite the local economy and create jobs, and new opportunities for small businesses.” Read More

13 May 2024

ActionSA loods veldtog weens rioolinfrastruktuur

“Weens die mislukte regering word die land se mense aan hierdie haglike omstandighede blootgestel.”  Read More

13 May 2024

Standard Bank’s Brendan Jacobs charts new agri-business direction

“Before this national position, Jacobs served as Standard Bank's Head of Client Coverage in the Free State and Northern .. Read More

29 Apr 2024

Rising risk of insurance fraud for policyholders

“There are two types of insurance fraud: hard fraud and soft fraud.” Read More

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