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7 pictures to make your day better

───   16:07 Wed, 19 Nov 2014

7 pictures to make your day better | News Article

Even if it only made you smile a little, learned something or left you feeling inspired to travel.

The view when you are a wind turbine technician. Fear of heights - not recommended. Source: Imgur via Reddit 
Werner Freund led his own wolf pack. He died in February 2014 at the age of 80. Yes, this photo is real. Photo: Imgur via Buzzfeed   
The Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor Church in Barcelona, Spain. The picture was taken with a drone. This. Is. Amazing! Photo: Imgur via Reddit
Rows of identical houses in China. Photo: Imgur via Reddit 
When in doubt... remember this. Photo: Imgur 
If you're happy and you know it clap your... A puppy with short front legs. Photo: Imgur
If you feel like you've lost it, just remember this guy. Photo: Reddit 

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