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Griquas victorious in the inaugural SA Cup

───   ILSE SMALBERGER 14:50 Sat, 25 May 2024

Griquas victorious in the inaugural SA Cup | News Article
Photo: Facebook

The first ever SA Cup trophy will find a home in Kimberley for the rest of the year. The Griquas beat the Pumas 46 – 24 at Suzuki Park on Saturday afternoon.

It was a game of two halves with the Griquas dominating in the first half.  At the half-hour mark Griquas was up by 29 – 0, with tries scored by Sako Makata, Cameron Hufke and George Whitehead with a penalty try also for the Griquas.  For a while, the Pumas looked a shadow of the team who played the Griquas just a few weeks ago in Kimberley. 

An injury to Puma fly-half Clinton Swart brought Gene Williams on the field, and he brought with him a breath of much-needed fresh air for the visitors.  A penalty try was awarded to the Pumas in the 34th minute and a yellow card shortly after for Makata put the Griquas on the back foot.  Gene Williams scored a try for the Pumas just before half-time, which put the half-time score at 29-14.

George Whitehead converted a penalty in the beginning of the second half, but then followed 20 minutes of hard graft for both teams, with Pumas finally scoring in the 64th minute, courtesy of hooker Darnell Osuagwu.  Barely five minutes later, the Pumas scored again when Tino Swanepoel went over the line and with 8 minutes to go the Pumas was within spitting distance of the Griquas at 32 – 24. 

The Griquas, however, was determined to have the last say and two quick tries by Gustav du Rand and Bobby Alexander gave the home team a solid 46 – 24 victory.

Not only is the Griquas the proud winners of the first ever SA Cup, but they also boast a clean record for the competition, winning every single one of their matches.  

OFM Sport/Ilse Smalberger

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