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Insights-driven content marketing

───   15:14 Tue, 05 Oct 2021

Insights-driven content marketing | News Article

Movie buffs are sure to remember “If you build it, they will come” from Kevin Costner’s 1989 Field of Dreams, or the later reference in the iconic 1993 Wayne's World 2, “If you book them, they will come”.

However, many would agree that these so-called “spray-and-pray” tactics are best left confined to the world of fantasy.

“Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice” is a common phrase used by the medical fraternity, but it has also, over the years, come to apply to business and marketing.

If the fundamentals of marketing have not changed – find out what people want, give it to them, and tell them you’ve given it to them – then how come there is still so much ‘clutter’ when it comes to generating content and marketing it?

Media and marketing constantly deliver new buzzwords. For instance, one thinks of terms such as ‘big data’, ‘sentiment analysis’, ‘SEO’, and then words like ‘conversions’, ‘engagement’, ‘organic’ and even ‘content’ that have taken on new meanings in an ever-evolving media marketing landscape.

What exactly is content? From the late 2000s, the word seems to have taken on a slightly new meaning with the concept mostly used in the context of media and by the late 2010s, having something to do with influencers on social media.

A quick search pulls up the Wikipedia definition, referenced as used in “publishing, art, and communication” where “content is the information and experiences that are directed toward an end-user or audience; something expressed through some medium”.

Content marketing, according to the Content Marketing Institute, could therefore be understood as a “strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action”. So, instead of pitching products or services, advertisers provide relevant and useful content to prospects and customers to help them solve problems or enrich their lives.

Radio is a brilliant marketing choice as it not only provides broadcast advertising and all its benefits but also digital advertising with its targeting abilities, experiential marketing, influence or endorsement capabilities, and it can through the use of technology harness valuable real-time consumer insights.

An hour on radio, especially in a commercial music-driven format, still affords audiences an unrivalled entertainment experience – music curated to their taste, relevant lifestyle information bursts (yes, not just any news, traffic, weather updates are flighted, it has to be of value to the core audience or target market), and engaging features, which often include chances to win or to reach out and connect with other listeners and followers.

This highly engaged audience is primed to receive brand messages to remain top of mind and to respond to call-to-action advertising.

Promotions have worked so well on OFM that advertisers have had to pull campaigns because they ran out of stock much earlier than anticipated.

However, in a highly competitive market, your message may get lost among the other 30-second spots. Moving beyond ad breaks can give a brand more ‘direct’ access to potential customers.

And, radio has, in fact, been providing content marketing for decades.

For instance, a law firm can bolster its reputation by providing useful advice on legal matters consumers are unsure of, like what their rights are when it comes to child support or how to go about purchasing a property as a group of owners.

Niche products or services or even products with broad appeal but that need to better reach a certain market segment can also benefit through content marketing. For example, a fast food brand targeting younger consumers could sponsor a trendy celebrity music segment in a programme.

Your marketing (product, promotion, price, place, people, process and physical evidence) and promotion (advertising, publicity, sales promotion, direct marketing and personal selling) mix still applies along with these considerations:

  • Message – what are you saying to whom (does the message ‘fit the market’?)
  • Medium – on which platform are you ‘speaking’ (live broadcast, television programme, blog posts, social media)?
  • Method – how is this message being delivered (text, video, audio)?

Furthermore, in order to reach your desired audience with the desired effect, you need to look at how the information you want to convey will be curated, filtering only that which is important to them, and translated into a ‘language’ that they understand, all in order to create meaning that has value for them, as well as the advertiser.

This is what is meant when stated that the primary focus of content marketing is “to nourish the lead” as part of a “long-term process” with the end result being “sales and conversions,” as explained by Semrush. A single piece of content, interview or article does not constitute a campaign and the sales funnel approach still applies. For each part, top, middle, bottom, it is recommended that certain types of content marketing be applied to the awareness, evaluation, and purchase stage.

But be warned, one size does not fit all. Only campaigns that relay universal truths with simple executions can succeed as ‘blanket’ or national campaigns. Trust the various radio brands to know their audiences well enough to understand how messages and executions should be tweaked to leverage them to provide sufficient response to your investment in larger reach.

Even worse than being an order taker is not knowing the menu – selling what doesn’t exist and then being unable to provide a return on investment.

At OFM we believe foremost in not only providing but creating value. Like a personal trainer, we work with our clients to ensure the most favourable outcome. It won’t always be easy, there will be ‘robust discussions’, but we will continue to guide and encourage. We never give up. Your dream is our dream.

Why is it important? Radio stations do not operate in corporate vacuums. They are integral parts of communities. They contribute to the economy. They enable their clients to grow. By offering value we not only look after our own business, but we help others to thrive and keep jobs in the market. We care – a heck of a lot.

If it’s just about the bottom line and lining pockets, rather opt for a ‘frigid’ medium that does not provide a direct point of contact between a brand and an existing or potential customer.

 Radio has heart and OFM is at the heart of Central South Africa, at the pulse of what our listeners want and what they need. We are constantly researching and changing our offerings to remain the single most important media and marketing partner in the Free State, Northern Cape, North West and southern Gauteng. We extend this heartfelt invitation to all our existing and potential clients to join us in insights-driven marketing to get the most from this burgeoning region.

Insiggedrewe inhoudsbemarking

Filmliefhebbers sal beslis hierdie onthou: "If you build it, they will come" van 1989 se Field of Dreams met Kevin Costner, of ’n latere verwysing in die ikoniese Wayne's World 2 van 1993, "If you book them, they will come".

Baie mense is dit egter eens dat hierdie sogenaamde “spray-and-pray”-taktiek liefs tot die fantasiewêreld beperk moet word.

“Voorskrif sonder diagnose is wanpraktyk” is 'n algemene uitdrukking wat in die mediese beroep gebruik word, maar het ook deur die jare heen van toepassing geword op sake en bemarking.

As die grondbeginsels van bemarking - vind uit wat mense wil hê, gee dit aan hulle en vertel hulle dat jy dit aan hulle gegee het - nie verander het nie, hoekom is daar nog soveel 'ruis' as dit kom by die skepping van inhoud en die bemarking daarvan?

Media en bemarking lewer voortdurend nuwe gonswoorde. ’n Mens dink byvoorbeeld aan terme soos ‘big data’, ‘sentiment analysis’, ‘SEO’, en dan ook aan woorde soos ‘conversions’, ‘engagement’, ‘organic’ en selfs ‘content’ wat mettertyd ’n nuwe betekenis gekry het en gewoonlik met die mediabemarkingslandskap gepaard gaan.

So, wat presies is inhoud? Vanaf die laat 2000's blyk dit asof die woord ’n effens nuwe betekenis gekry het, met die konsep wat meestal in die konteks van media gebruik word, en teen die laat 2010's met iets wat te doen het met “influencers” op sosiale media.

’n Vinnige soektog lewer eerste die Wikipedia-definisie op waar daar na ‘inhoud’ verwys word soos gebruik in “publikasie, kuns en kommunikasie”; inhoud is dus die “inligting en ervarings wat op die eindgebruiker of gehoor gerig is; iets wat deur een of ander medium uitgedruk word”.

Volgens die Content Marketing Institute kan inhoudsbemarking dus verstaan word as ’n “strategiese bemarkingsbenadering wat daarop gemik is om waardevolle, relevante en konsekwente inhoud te skep en te versprei om ’n duidelik gedefinieerde teikenmark aan te trek en te behou - en uiteindelik om winsgewende kliënteaksie te bewerkstellig”. Dus, in plaas daarvan om produkte of dienste aan te bied, bied adverteerders relevante en nuttige inhoud aan bestaande of voornemende kliënte om hulle te help om probleme op te los of hul lewens te verryk.

Radio is 'n uitstekende bemarkingskeuse, aangesien dit nie net uitsaai-advertensies en al die voordele daarvan bied nie, maar ook digitale advertensies met sy doelgerigtheid, ervaringsbemarking, invloed of onderskrywingsvermoëns, en wat, deur die gebruik van tegnologie, waardevolle intydse verbruikersinsigte kan verskaf.

’n Uur op die radio, veral in 'n kommersiële musiekgedrewe formaat, bied luisteraars steeds ’n ongeëwenaarde vermaaklikheidservaring - musiek wat volgens hul smaak saamgestel word, relevante lewenstylinligting (ja, nie net enige nuus, verkeer, of weer opdaterings nie, dit moet van waarde vir die kerngehoor of teikenmark wees) en boeiende insetsels, wat dikwels die kans om te wen of die kans om uit te reik na ander luisteraars insluit.

Hierdie betrokke gehoor is gereed om handelsmerkboodskappe te ontvang en om te reageer op advertensies.

Promosies het al so goed op OFM gevaar dat adverteerders veldtogte moes stop omdat hul voorraad baie vroeër as beplan uitverkoop was.

In ’n uiters mededingende mark kan die boodskap egter verlore gaan tussen al die ander 30-sekonde advertensies. Wanneer mens egter buite reklame breke beweeg, kry ’n handelsmerk meer 'direkte' toegang tot potensiële klante.

En eintlik bied radio al dekades lank inhoudsbemarking.

'n Prokureursfirma kan byvoorbeeld hul reputasie versterk deur nuttige raad te gee oor regsake waaroor verbruikers onseker is, soos wat hul regte is met betrekking tot kinderonderhoud of hoe om 'n eiendom as 'n groep eienaars aan te koop.

Nisprodukte of -dienste of selfs produkte met 'n breë aantrekkingskrag, maar wat 'n sekere marksegment beter moet bereik, kan ook baat by inhoudsbemarking. Byvoorbeeld, ’n kitskosrestaurant wat jonger verbruikers wil teiken, kan ’n byderwetse musiekinsetsel in ’n program borg.

Jou bemarking (produk, promosie, prys, plek, mense, proses en bewyse) en promosie (reklame, publisiteit, verkoopspromosie, direkte bemarking en persoonlike verkope) is steeds van toepassing saam met hierdie oorwegings:

  • Die boodskap – wat sê jy vir wie (pas die boodskap 'by die mark')?
  • Medium – op watter platform praat jy (regstreekse uitsending, televisieprogram, blogplasings, sosiale media)?
  • Metode – hoe word hierdie boodskap gelewer (teks, video, klank)?

Om die gewenste gehoor met die gewenste effek te bereik, moet jy ook besin hoe die inligting wat jy wil oordra, saamgestel word, slegs dit wat vir die teikenmark belangrik is, filtreer, en so ‘vertaal’ dat hulle dit maklik verstaan, alles om betekenis te skep wat vir hulle asook die adverteerder van waarde is.

Die primêre fokus van inhoudsbemarking is “om die potesiële verbuiker te lei” as deel van ’n “langtermynproses”, met verkope as “eindresultaat”, soos verduidelik deur Semrush. ’n Veldtog kan nie bestaan uit ’n enkele onderhoud of artikel nie; die verkoopstregterbenadering is steeds van toepassing. Vir elke deel, bo, middel, onder, word dit aanbeveel dat sekere soorte inhoudsbemarking toegepas word tydens die bewustheids-, evaluerings- en aankoopstadium.

Maar wees gewaarsku, een grootte pas nie almal nie. Slegs veldtogte wat universele waarhede deurgee met eenvoudige uitvoerings, kan as 'kombers' of nasionale veldtogte slaag. Vertrou die verskillende radiostasies om hul gehore goed genoeg te ken om te verstaan hoe boodskappe en uitvoerings aangepas moet word om die reaksie te kry op jou belegging in ’n groter reikgebied.

Selfs erger as om ’n bestellingnemer te wees, is om nie die spyskaart te ken nie – verkoop wat nie bestaan nie en nie in staat wees om opbrengs op die belegging te lewer nie.

By OFM glo ons veral daarin om nie net waarde te bied nie, maar ook om waarde te skep. Soos ’n persoonlike afrigter werk ons saam met ons kliënte om die beste uitkoms te verseker. Dit sal nie altyd maklik wees nie; daar mag dalk ‘rusie’ wees, maar ons sal aanhou lei en aanmoedig. Ons gee nooit op nie. Jou droom is ons droom.

Waarom is dit belangrik? Radiostasies werk nie in ’n korporatiewe vakuum nie. Hulle is ’n integrale deel van gemeenskappe. Hulle dra by tot die ekonomie. Hulle stel hul kliënte in staat om te groei. Deur waarde te bied, sorg ons nie net vir ons eie besigheid nie, maar ons help ander om te floreer en werk in die mark te behou. Ons gee om, sommer baie.

As dit net oor winsmarges gaan, kies eerder ’n medium wat nie ’n direkte kontakpunt tussen ’n handelsmerk en ’n bestaande of potensiële kliënt bied nie.

Radio het ’n hart en OFM is die hart van Sentraal-Suid-Afrika, op die pols van wat ons luisteraars wil hê en wat hulle nodig het. Ons doen navorsing en verander voortdurend ons aanbod om die belangrikste media- en bemarkingsvennoot in die Vrystaat, Noord-Kaap, Noordwes en Suid-Gauteng te bly. Ons rig hierdie opregte uitnodiging aan al ons bestaande en potensiële kliënte om saam met ons insiggedrewe bemarking te benut om die meeste uit hierdie ontluikende streek te put.

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