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Concerns over persistent veld fires in North West

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 12:34 Tue, 22 Aug 2023

Concerns over persistent veld fires in North West | News Article

The devastating persistent veld fires, that have resulted in over 90 000 hectares of grazing land destroyed in the Kagisano-Molopo Local Municipality in North West, have raised great concern.

The Chairperson of the North West Provincial Legislature's Portfolio Committee on Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Agriculture and Rural Development, Bitsa Lenkopane, said the damage caused by the fire is a serious drawback to the province as it will have a major impact on the eradication of poverty, unemployment, and inequality.  

He said the committee feels this is the right time to acknowledge climate change is upon them as the cause of the fires is unknown.

Lenkopane appealed to the Provincial Government to move with speed in containing veld fires as this will result in an increased loss of agricultural produce, reduced availability of food for both humans and animals and also a reduced growth rate of vegetation.

“Most importantly the committee pleads with government and Civil Society to assist farmers with grass and food for livestock because most of the farmers use grass to feed their livestock, which has been affected by fire.” 

Lenkoane called on community members to stop littering, especially near farms, as most bottles or glass lying in the sun have the potential of creating a spark, that could turn into a fire.

Surrounding communities are encouraged to support farmers and firefighters to help get the fire under control.

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