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Conspiracy Corner - 12 mysteries surrounding Russia

───   15:34 Wed, 05 Oct 2022

Conspiracy Corner - 12 mysteries surrounding Russia | News Article

The war between the Ukraine & Russia keeps intensifying and as this happens, more and more mysteries keep surfacing. One would think the mysteries would be around the war itself, but it's actually all on Russia.

We have learnt that throughout history, there have been some rather confusing, unexplainable things happen to those who seem to be in opposition with the war. Although these happen in both camps of waring countries, they are more intensified should they be on the side that began the war in the first place. This seems to be what is happening in the case of the current war between the Ukraine & Russia.

According to mirror, some of Russia's most powerful men have died in mysterious circumstances in the months since the start of the war in Ukraine. 2 weeks ago, another of Putin's close allies Ivan Pechorin lost his life after allegedly falling into the sea off his boat as he sailed close to Russky Island. Pechorin - who was responsible for Russia's vast Arctic resources - had not long attended the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, which was hosted by Putin.

Ivan Pechorin (Circled) at the Eastern Economic Forum image:mirror.co.ek

The Far East and Arctic Development Corporation that he directed issued a statement following his death. A spokesperson said: “Ivan's death is an irreparable loss for friends and colleagues, a great loss for the corporation. We offer our sincere condolences to the family and friends.”

The company's CEO Igor Nosov, 43, also died from a reported stroke after taking over the reins in May this year. 

The pair are just two of the senior officials linked to the Kremlin that have mysteriously died since February.  Leading Russian oil tycoon Ravil Maganov , 67, a chairman of energy giant LUKOIL, was killed after mysteriously falling from a sixth-floor window at a hospital in Moscow.

Also read: Conspiracy Corner - The Queens letter

At the time of his death on September 1, the reason for his hospital admission was unknown.  Unconfirmed reports claimed he had been "beaten" before being "thrown out of a window" after his company publicly announced its opposition to the war.  In a strange coincidence Putin arrived at the same facility to pay his respects to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev after his body was found outside the Central Clinic Hospital. Read the entire article here and make up your own mind. Are these deaths all connected somehow? Or are they just coincidence? 


Conspiracy Corner - 12 mysteries surrounding Russia:

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