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Weird Wide Web - Meet Jim Bachor, the pothole artist

───   15:37 Fri, 30 Sep 2022

Weird Wide Web - Meet Jim Bachor, the pothole artist | News Article

Artist Jim Bachor found a really creative way of fixing the road and adding to the world of art.

Potholes are every single driver's biggest headache! From the danger the pose on the road to all the tire damage insurance claims, every driver in the world would be more than pleased to have these removed from all our road somehow. This is exactly what Jim Bachor is trying to achieve, in a very creative way.

According to engoo, artist Jim Bachor has been busy filling them with mosaics.  Working most often on his own city's roads, Bachor finds and fills holes with his art.  Food, flowers, animals, words — there's not much that he hasn't made as a mosaic, from Donald Trump's face to Vincent Van Gogh's The Bedroom.  His work has also been seen on the streets of New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles, as well as in Finland and Italy.

He says he was inspired by seeing the surviving mosaics in Pompeii, the Italian city destroyed by Mount Vesuvius in the year 79. He calls it "simply amazing" that ancient mosaics — made from stone, glass and marble — look the same as they did 2,000 years ago.

Also Read: Weird Wide Web - Nigels of the world unite!

He uses similar materials to create his own art. Bachor knows his work may not survive for very long, so he has to be careful where he puts it.  "Finding good potholes is the most difficult part of the whole process because most don't work," he told Reuters. Click here to read more on this.


Weird Wide Web - Meet Jim Bachor, the pothole artist:

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