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EFF in North West confident of outright victory

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 11:41 Fri, 24 May 2024

EFF in North West confident of outright victory  | News Article
North West current EFF leadership. Photo: OFM News

“Moema highlighted the EFF’s commitment to addressing key issues immediately if they win the elections.”

The EFF in North West has expressed strong confidence in securing an outright victory both provincially and nationally in the upcoming general elections set for 29 May. The party is confident in its chances of victory due to its meticulously executed road-to-victory action plan, said EFF provincial spokesperson, Fanon Moema.

Three phases of their campaign

Organising Leaders and Activists: The EFF began by mobilising leaders, activists, civil society members, and community leaders to rally behind the party. This phase aimed to build a strong foundation of support and meaningful contributions to their campaign.

The second phase, “Mamela”: This consultative phase involved engaging with various community groups, including minority groups, women, children, sex workers, business people, religious leaders, and both young and old, employed and unemployed individuals.

‘Involves a vigorous door-to-door campaign’

The goal was to gather diverse perspectives on what needs to be addressed when the EFF is in government and to build confidence in the EFF’s policies.

The third phase now underway, “Tshela Thupa”: This phase involves a vigorous door-to-door campaign following provincial rallies which were addressed by EFF president Julius Malema. This phase aims to solidify grassroots support and ensure widespread community engagement.

Moema highlighted the EFF’s commitment to addressing key issues immediately if they win the elections. The party’s priorities include stopping loadshedding.

‘Aims to eliminate loadshedding’

He said the EFF aims to eliminate loadshedding, which they identify as a major factor contributing to unemployment and joblessness in the country. The party also plans to tackle watershedding to ensure continuous teaching and learning in schools and uninterrupted operations in hospitals and other essential services.

The EFF will prioritise the functioning of police stations, clinics, hospitals, and schools amongst others by ensuring they are well-equipped and operational.

Malema has been vocal about several key promises. These include implementing open border policies, providing a R5,000 stipend for graduates, and doubling the grants currently given to older people by the government.

The special votes are scheduled to take place from Monday (27/5) until Tuesday.

In the previous elections in 2019, the ANC retained power in the North West with 61.87% of the vote, obtaining 590,777 votes and securing 21 seats in the provincial legislature. The EFF came in second with 18.64%, with 177,983 votes and six seats. The DA was third, garnering 11.8% of the vote, or 106,738 votes, securing four seats.

OFM News/ Kekeletso Mosebetsi dg

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