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National Recycling Day: Tips on how to recycle

───   16:43 Thu, 19 Sep 2024

National Recycling Day: Tips on how to recycle | News Article
Tips on how to recycle on National Recycling Day. Photo: Supplied

“Educate yourself on the types of paper that can and cannot be recycled.”

Most South Africans are good at recycling paper, plastics, glass, and metal items, but many don’t realise they can also recycle their organic waste.

This year, National Recycling Day is celebrated on Friday (20/9) under the theme: “In a world drowning in waste, what are you doing to reduce your footprint?”

The recycling industry in South Africa is a significant contributor to the economy. It provides much-needed employment opportunities, especially in the informal sector, where waste collectors and recyclers play a pivotal role in the collection, sorting, and repurposing of recyclable materials.

Participate in local recycling programmes or start your own initiative. Photo supplied

“Separation-at-source is a simple practice of sorting our waste in our homes, schools, or businesses before it gets collected and recycled,” said the communications manager of the Paper Manufacturers Association of South Africa (Pamsa), Samantha Choles.

South Africa has approximately 18.5 million households. “Imagine the difference that we could make if every home separated rubbish from recyclables. Every small action adds up!”

The leading recycler in South Africa, Mpact Recycling, has tips on how you can get involved: 

  • Start Recycling: Begin by separating your recyclables at home, or work. Materials like paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metal can all be recycled.
  • Educate Yourself: Familiarise yourself with the recycling guidelines in your area. Not all materials are recyclable, so it’s important to know what can and cannot be recycled.
  • Support Recycling Initiatives: Participate in local recycling programmes or start your own initiative.
  • Reduce and Reuse: While recycling is crucial, reducing waste at the source and reusing items whenever possible are equally important.

Different types of paper can and cannot be recycled. Photo supplied

Pamsa has tips on how homes, schools, and businesses can enhance their paper recycling habits: 

  • Know your recyclables: Different types of paper can and cannot be recycled for example; Office or copy paper, brown cardboard boxes, grocery, takeaway bags, cereal boxes, and medicine boxes can be recycled.
  • Tissue and toilet paper, kitchen towels and paper hand towels, laminated paper, and very dirty paper plates can’t be recycled.
  • Create space for your recycling: Invest in a sturdy container to keep your paper recycling separate from wet, organic, and non-recyclable waste.
  • Support informal recycling collectors and local recycling initiatives: Put your recyclables in a box or bag on your pavement for easy access to recycling collectors. They sell these items at buy-back centres.

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