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“Lag ’n slag” – lockdown parody videos

───   09:00 Mon, 20 Apr 2020

“Lag ’n slag” – lockdown parody videos | News Article

Part of being South African must be using humour to deal with change, stress and anxiety.

Here are some of the best lockdown parody videos doing the rounds on the net.

#TsekCorona! is a music video with a positive stay-at-home message from South Africa during the country's Covid-19 lockdown. It features rewritten lyrics to the hit song "Welcome to Cape Town" by original writer, David Kramer.

We’ve shared this before but it’s still so good - check out some of SA’s musos reminding you that no one likes ‘that guy’.

As per usual The Kiffness has been very busy. We couldn’t decide, so here’s the whole playlist.

Brandon, Wilna and Hendre Botha cover songs with new and inventive lyrics to help raise awareness of the COVID-19 Virus. Here is their rendition of Tones and I's song, Dance Monkey. *Language warning.

Remember, should you require information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, phone the Coronavirus Hotline Number: 0800 029 999 or send ‘Hi’ to 0600 123 456 on WhatsApp. Get the latest COVID-19 news updates on our fact page.

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