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ANC leadership criticised for protecting Matjhabeng mayor

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 10:26 Sat, 27 Apr 2024

ANC leadership criticised for protecting Matjhabeng mayor | News Article

“We are very disturbed and disappointed by the utterances of the ANC leader who is defending an individual who continues to do the wrong things.”

The South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) in the Free State has criticised the ANC provincial leadership for protecting the Matjhabeng Mayor amidst an assault case against him.

SAMWU's chairperson, Tiisetso Mahalatsi, expressed deep disappointment at the apparent favouritism shown towards the troubled Matjhabeng mayor, Thanduxolo Khalipha, emphasising that such actions compromise the integrity of the party's policies. The controversy surrounding Khalipha’s alleged assault case has drawn sharp criticism from SAMWU, shedding light on the perceived double standards within the ANC's approach to issues of accountability and ethical conduct.

ANC Free State Chairperson Mxolisi Dukwana expressed concerns about individuals waiting for Matjhabeng Mayor Thaduxolo Khalipha’s downfall to gain access to municipal resources.

Khalipha is set to appear at the Odendaalsrus Magistrate’s Court on assault charges. He was arrested and released shortly after, on Thursday (18/4), once he was formally charged for an incident earlier in April when he allegedly assaulted his bodyguard. Dukwana highlighted the party’s vigilance in ensuring no one takes advantage of the mayor’s legal troubles.

Mahalatsi condemned the treatment of the mayor as if he was above reproach, highlighting the erosion of trust in the ANC's commitment to upholding its own principles.

“We are very disturbed and disappointed by the utterances of the ANC leader who is defending an individual who continues to do wrong things. If there was no incident, the case was not supposed to be opened and we are saying as SAMWU, even this case took long before it could open. We didn’t have to march to ensure this case was opened. The mayor is still being treated as an angel,” slammed Mahlatsi.

Mahalatsi pointed out the glaring inconsistency in the party's approach when it comes to addressing allegations against its favoured members, suggesting a departure from the principles of accountability and transparency.

Political analyst at the University of the Free State, Sethugelo Matebesi, said there is a lot of political meddling around the step-aside rule as the ANC quickly takes action against certain members of the party and this affects the ANC’s reputation.

Khalipha is expected to appear before the Odendaalsrus Magistrate’s Court on 24 May 2024.

OFM News/Kekeletso Mosebetsi cg

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