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17 Oct 2024

Senior Mangaung Metro manager shot and killed

A Mangaung Metro accounting officer has been shot and killed. Read More

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17 Oct 2024

Embattled Matjhabeng mayor faces another case

The Free State police have launched an investigation into allegations of misuse of municipal property against the embatt .. Read More

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17 Oct 2024

Bloemfontein author releases book focusing on a futuristic Africa

A Bloemfontein author’s first crime thriller teleports the reader two decades into the future, to a crime underworld rul .. Read More

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17 Oct 2024

Education minister calls for more investment to combat unemployment

The minister of Basic Education has called for increased investment in the education sector, emphasising it could be a k .. Read More

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17 Oct 2024

#Pinktober: Kansa waarsku teen gevare van laat borskankerdiagnose

“Dit is van kardinale belang vir vroue om te weet hoe om hul risiko te verminder, vroeë waarskuwingstekens te herken en .. Read More

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17 Oct 2024

‘Sojourn’: An exhibition of contemporary art curated from ArtbankSA

Yolanda de Kock from the Oliewenhuis Art Museum was part of the curatorial team, she joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM A .. Read More

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16 Oct 2024

Weird Wide Web – Die eerste twiet ooit verkoop vir miljoene!

Die sosiale media-plasing, wat gesê het “stel net my twttr op”, is die eerste keer in Maart 2006 gepubliseer en is aan d .. Read More

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16 Oct 2024

The significance of morning affirmations

Starting your day on a positive note leads to a positive day, it can be the shortest quote on your mirror, while brushin .. Read More

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16 Oct 2024

Wêreldvoedseldag: Steenhuisen beklemtoon noodsaaklikheid van samewerking

In sy toespraak het Steenhuisen beklemtoon dat voedselsekerheid nie net ’n reg is nie, maar ook ’n morele plig vir elke .. Read More

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16 Oct 2024

Nuwe uitvoergeleenthede na Europese Unie

Met die toenemende klem op klimaatsverandering is daar ook gepraat oor die moontlikheid van Europese beleggings in Suid- .. Read More

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16 Oct 2024

RPO plaas klem op vernuwing

Die RPO staan voor die uitdaging om homself te herposisioneer en te hernuwe, soos ander kommoditeitsorganisasies om boer .. Read More

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15 Oct 2024

‘Skokkend hoeveel mense voedselonsekerheid ervaar’ – Steenhuisen

Suid-Afrika het nog baie werk om te doen om voedsel- en voedingsekerheid vir meer huishoudings te verseker.  Read More

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14 Oct 2024

SpaceX vier eerste suksesvolle landing van vuurpylversterker

Geopolitieke wedywering wakker ’n nuwe wêreldwye wedloop aan in die Aarde se wentelbaan en op die maan, terwyl die wêrel .. Read More

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11 Oct 2024

Orkaan Milton eis minstens 16 lewens in Florida; miljoene sonder krag

Minstens 16 mense het gesterf toe orkaan Milton se tornado’s verwoesting oor Florida gesaai het terwyl dié Amerikaanse s .. Read More

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10 Oct 2024

Orkaan Milton tref Florida; oorstromings volg

Sterftes is aangemeld, nooddienste moes plek-plek opgeskort word en ’n dak is van ’n stadion afgeruk toe Orkaan Milton o .. Read More

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30 Sep 2024

Israel verskerp aanvalle op Iran-gesteunde militante groepe

“Die aanvalle wakker vrese van ’n oorlog in die Midde-Ooste aan.” Read More

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17 Oct 2024

South Africa cruise into historic T20 World Cup final

“I can't really describe it but we knew we were capable of it and we had a pretty good tournament so far coming into thi .. Read More

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17 Oct 2024

White rotates squad for Scarlets

“It’s going to rain tomorrow. So probably having him in the midfield next to Canan is going to help us just in terms of .. Read More

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17 Oct 2024

Alcaraz to face idol Nadal one last time

“He is a really important person for my life, for my career and he was one of the reasons that I wanted to become a prof .. Read More

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17 Oct 2024

Proteas Women to draw on national sporting success

“It’s an amazing opportunity to have all those eyes on us and hopefully we can do them proud.” Read More

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